Birds of Cape Town

Cape Town, nestled at the southern tip of Africa, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and bird lovers alike. With its diverse landscapes, ranging from mountainous regions to coastal habitats, the city provides a rich environment for an impressive array of bird species. Whether you're a seasoned birder or simply have an appreciation for the beauty of these winged creatures, here are the 20 most interesting birds to spot in and around Cape Town.

African Penguin

Image by Leigh Woods

The African Penguin, also known as the "jackass penguin" due to its distinctive braying call, is a charismatic and highly endangered species. Found primarily on the shores of Boulders Beach in Simon's Town, these black and white birds captivate visitors with their playful antics. Watch them waddle along the sandy beaches, taking refreshing dips in the clear turquoise waters as they gracefully swim through the ocean. It's a heartwarming experience to witness these adorable creatures interact with each other, build nests, and care for their young. The African Penguin is a true symbol of Cape Town's unique biodiversity and the importance of conservation efforts.

Cape Sugarbird

cape sugarbird

Image by Derek Keats

Endemic to South Africa, the Cape Sugarbird is a striking and beautiful bird known for its long, curved bill and its elegant, elongated tail feathers. It can be found in the fynbos-covered slopes of Table Mountain and the surrounding areas. The male displays a vibrant mix of orange, black, and white plumage, making it a sight to behold. These birds are often seen darting between flowering proteas and other fynbos plants, using their specialized brush-tipped tongues to feed on nectar. Their melodious songs and graceful flight patterns add to the enchantment of encountering them in their natural habitat.

Malachite Kingfisher

The Malachite Kingfisher is a jewel of Cape Town's waterways, known for its vibrant blue and green plumage that gleams in the sunlight. This tiny bird, measuring only about 13 centimeters in length, can be found near rivers, ponds, and wetlands. It perches on branches or reeds, patiently scanning the water for fish and insects. Once its keen eyes spot its prey, the kingfisher dives headfirst into the water with remarkable speed and accuracy. Witnessing this breathtaking hunting technique and the dazzling colors of the Malachite Kingfisher is a true testament to the wonders of nature.

Cape Rockjumper

cape rockjumper

Image by Sergio Ali

A true master of camouflage, the Cape Rockjumper blends perfectly with the rocky terrain of Cape Town's mountainous regions. With its bright orange plumage, black throat patch, and contrasting white wing patches, this bird stands out against the earthy tones of its surroundings. Spotting the Cape Rockjumper requires some patience and keen observation skills, as it hops and flits from rock to rock in search of insects and small reptiles. Its unique call, a combination of whistles and trills, often serves as a helpful clue to locate these elusive birds. For avid birders, encountering the Cape Rockjumper is a gratifying reward for exploring the rugged landscapes of Cape Town.

African Fish Eagle

african fish eagle with fish

The African Fish Eagle is a majestic bird of prey renowned for its distinctive call, often likened to the iconic sound of an African wilderness. With its striking black and white plumage and a powerful hooked beak, this eagle exudes an aura of strength and grace. Found near freshwater bodies such as rivers, lakes, and estuaries, the African Fish Eagle is a skilled hunter, swooping down from the skies to snatch fish with its sharp talons. Witnessing its dramatic fishing techniques and hearing its haunting call echoing across the water is a captivating experience that showcases nature's raw beauty.

African Black Oystercatcher

african black oystercatcher

Standing out against the coastal landscapes of Cape Town, the African Black Oystercatcher is a captivating bird with its black plumage and a vibrant red beak. These striking shorebirds are commonly found along the shores, foraging for limpets, mussels, and other shellfish. Watching them probe the sand or pry open shells with their sturdy bills is a sight to behold. The African Black Oystercatcher is not only visually appealing but also holds ecological significance as an indicator species for the health of coastal ecosystems. Observing these birds along the rugged Cape Town coastline offers a glimpse into the delicate balance of nature.

Knysna Turaco

While not exclusive to Cape Town, the Knysna Turaco can be spotted in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. With its emerald green feathers, vibrant crimson wings, and a prominent crest, this bird is a true spectacle. The Knysna Turaco's melodic calls can be heard echoing through the trees as it moves gracefully from branch to branch. Its presence adds a splash of color to the lush vegetation of the garden, making it a sought-after sighting for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Take a moment to appreciate the Knysna Turaco's beauty and immerse yourself in the serenity of Kirstenbosch's tranquil surroundings.

Cape Bulbul

cape bulbul

Image by Derek Keats

The Cape Bulbul is a common bird in Cape Town's gardens and parks, known for its beautiful song that resonates through the trees. With its olive-brown plumage, a distinctive crest, and a pale yellow throat, this small bird is a delightful sight. It flits among the branches, gleaning insects and feasting on berries, while filling the air with its melodious melodies. The Cape Bulbul's adaptability to urban environments allows it to thrive in the city's green spaces, offering an accessible opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels to appreciate its cheerful presence and tuneful performances.



Image by Antony Trivet

Although not commonly seen within the city limits, the Secretarybird can be spotted in the grasslands surrounding Cape Town. This large and distinctive bird of prey stands tall with its long, bare legs and a tuft of elongated feathers on its head. It primarily feeds on snakes, rodents, and other small animals, using its strong legs to stamp and kill its prey. The Secretarybird's unique appearance and hunting techniques make it a captivating species to observe in its natural habitat. Witnessing its graceful stride and powerful strikes is a testament to the remarkable adaptations of birds of prey.

Cape White-eye

Image by Derek Keats

The Cape White-eye is a small and lively bird that frequents gardens, forested areas, and parks in Cape Town. With its bright yellow underparts and a distinct white eye-ring, it adds a splash of color to the surrounding foliage. These energetic birds move in small flocks, exploring trees and shrubs in search of insects, nectar, and fruits. Their cheerful chirps and acrobatic flights make them a delight to observe. Whether in urban or natural settings, encountering the Cape White-eye showcases the resilience and adaptability of birds thriving in Cape Town's diverse ecosystems.

Orange-breasted Sunbird

Endemic to the fynbos biome of South Africa, the Orange-breasted Sunbird is a true gem of Cape Town's avian population. This striking bird features a vibrant orange chest and metallic green upperparts, making it a dazzling sight against the backdrop of the fynbos vegetation. The males boast long, curved bills and perform impressive aerial displays to attract mates. They feed on the nectar of various flowering plants, their slender bills perfectly adapted for extracting sweet sustenance. Observing the Orange-breasted Sunbird as it flits from flower to flower, displaying its vivid plumage and sipping nectar, offers a glimpse into the intricate relationship between birds and the diverse floral ecosystem of Cape Town.

Cape Canary

The Cape Canary, also known as the Yellow Canary, is a charming and melodious bird commonly found in gardens and parks throughout Cape Town. With its vibrant yellow plumage, black wings, and a melodic song, this small passerine bird adds a touch of cheer to its surroundings. Cape Canaries are highly adaptable and can thrive in various habitats, from urban areas to more natural environments. Their enchanting songs can often be heard emanating from treetops or dense shrubbery. Listening to their melodious tunes and catching a glimpse of their bright colors brings a sense of joy and tranquility to any outdoor space.

Southern Double-collared Sunbird

southern double collared sunbird

Image by Jean van der Meulen

Another captivating sunbird species found in Cape Town is the Southern Double-collared Sunbird. This bird is a true beauty with its metallic green upper parts, a distinct double collar of orange and yellow, and a slender curved bill. These sunbirds are nectar feeders and play a vital role in pollination. They can be observed hovering near flowering shrubs and plants, delicately sipping nectar from the blossoms. Their agile flight patterns and shimmering plumage make them a sight to behold, especially when the sunlight catches their vibrant colors. The Southern Double-collared Sunbird exemplifies the intricate relationship between birds, flowers, and the delicate balance of Cape Town's ecosystems.

Cape Robin-Chat

The Cape Robin-Chat is a charismatic bird species known for its striking appearance and melodious song. With its slate-gray upperparts and a distinctive red breast, this robin-like bird stands out in the forested areas of Cape Town. Known for their confidence, Cape Robin-Chats may approach humans in search of insects or even engage in territorial displays. Their melodious songs echo through the trees, creating a soothing ambiance in the natural habitats they inhabit. Encountering a Cape Robin-Chat is a delightful experience, as you witness their vivid colors and hear their enchanting tunes amidst the tranquility of Cape Town's woodlands.

African Hoopoe

african hoopoe

Image by Rajukhan Pathan

The African Hoopoe is a unique and eye-catching bird species that can be found in various habitats throughout Cape Town. With its distinctive black-and-white plumage, a long, curved bill, and a distinctive crest, this medium-sized bird is hard to miss. The hoopoe's name comes from its distinctive "hoop-hoop" call, which it emits during its flight. These birds are often seen foraging on the ground, probing the soil with their bills in search of insects and larvae. With their elaborate plumage and quirky behavior, African Hoopoes add a touch of charm and intrigue to the avian diversity of Cape Town.

African Harrier-Hawk

african harrier-hawk

Image by Jenny Varley

The African Harrier-Hawk, also known as the Gymnogene, is a medium-sized bird of prey that can be spotted soaring above the skies of Cape Town. With its broad wings and a distinctive long, double-jointed neck, it possesses remarkable flexibility and agility. This bird is known for its ability to twist and contort its head to access hard-to-reach prey, such as bird nests or small mammals hiding in tree cavities. Its plumage is predominantly gray, complemented by a pale face and striking yellow eyes. Witnessing the African Harrier-Hawk in flight, displaying its aerial prowess, and observing its unique foraging techniques is a testament to the diversity of raptors in Cape Town.

Cape Grassbird

cape grassbird

Image by Yolandé Oelsen

The Cape Grassbird is a small, inconspicuous bird that can be found in the fynbos and grassy areas surrounding Cape Town. This elusive species is known for its well-camouflaged plumage, making it difficult to spot amidst the grasses. However, its distinct song, a series of melodious whistles and trills, gives away its presence. The Cape Grassbird primarily feeds on insects and seeds, foraging within the grassy vegetation. Patience and a keen eye are required to catch a glimpse of this well-hidden bird as it moves stealthily through its natural habitat, blending seamlessly with the surrounding grasses.

African Sacred Ibis

african sacred ibis

Image by Gregoire Dubois

The African Sacred Ibis is a large, wading bird that can be seen foraging in wetlands, grassy areas, and even urban environments throughout Cape Town. With its striking combination of black and white plumage, long curved bill, and characteristic bald head, this bird is hard to miss. African Sacred Ibises are opportunistic feeders, using their long bills to probe the soil for invertebrates, insects, and small vertebrates. They often congregate in large flocks, creating a spectacle as they gracefully navigate the landscape. The presence of the African Sacred Ibis adds an element of grandeur to Cape Town's natural and urban ecosystems.

Pied Kingfisher

pied kingfisher

Image by Larissa Bakker

The Pied Kingfisher is a fascinating bird that can be found near rivers, lakes, and estuaries in Cape Town. With its contrasting black and white plumage, distinctive crest, and a dagger-like bill, this bird is a master of aerial hunting. Perched on branches or hovering effortlessly over the water, it scans for fish and other aquatic prey. Once its keen eyes spot a target, the Pied Kingfisher dives headfirst into the water with remarkable speed and precision, emerging with its catch securely clutched in its bill. Witnessing these dramatic hunting displays and admiring the striking appearance of the Pied Kingfisher is an awe-inspiring experience.

Greater Flamingo

greater flamingo in shallow water

Photo by Vivek Joshi

Although not native to Cape Town, the Greater Flamingo can occasionally be spotted in coastal wetlands, lagoons, and salt pans in the area. Known for their iconic pink plumage and long, slender necks, these majestic birds create a mesmerizing sight. Whether wading through shallow waters or gracefully taking flight, their presence adds elegance and a touch of exoticism to the landscape. The Greater Flamingo is a social bird, often congregating in large flocks where they engage in synchronized feeding and stunning displays of coordinated flight. Spotting these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a testament to the allure of birdwatching in Cape Town.

Birds of Kigali

Recently, I wrote a blog post about commonly spotted bird species in Akagera National Park (A Beginners Guide to Birding in Akagera). The article proved rather popular, so I thought, why not write one on birdlife in Kigali?

As Rwanda's capital becomes increasingly metropolitan, it's hard to imagine such a place could be brimming with wildlife. From the bustling city centre streets to the serene wetland suburbs, Kigali is teeming with feathered friends. Nyaraturama lake is one place I'd highly recommend for birders. Here, you'll find all manner of aqua-happy species including white-faced whistling duck, red-billed teal, and even pygmy kingfisher!

However, this post contains a list of birds that city dwellers have good to high chances of spotting, even in their own back yard. If you don't have a garden of your own then don't despair! You're just as likely to see many of these birds while out running errands or perhaps dining al fresco.

Red-billed Firefinch

A common and widespread resident of Kigali, the Red-billed Firefinch is a petite red and brown bird of the Estrildidae family. As their name suggests, the bill is a pinkish-red colour. The female has a largely dull brown plumage with red markings on the sides of the face and rump. The male, however, is mostly red with brown plumage restricted mainly to the wings. Both sexes may show small, faint white spots at the sides of the breast.

Variable Sunbird

A dainty little nectar-feeder with the male easily recognizable for its shiny colourful plumage and long curved bill. Females are similar in shape but with dull brown/grey plumage. Sunbirds are often confused with hummingbirds, but the latter are restricted to the American continents, while the former are widespread across Africa and Asia. According to Wikipedia, Rwanda is home to 26 species of sunbird. The Variable Sunbird is probably the most common and widespread.

Yellow-billed Kite

Spend five minutes in Kigali, and I can guarantee you'll spot this medium-large sized raptor. They're most commonly observed in flight, and are distinguishable for their angled wings and long slightly forked tail. Yellow-billed Kites are considered a subspecies of Black Kites, but their plumage is mostly dark brown. It's not uncommon to spot these birds roosting in large flocks across many different habitats including towns, villages and open country.

Ross's Turaco

A striking deep-blue glossed bird that looks entirely out of place in the city. You'll know this bird when you see it. Easily distinguishable features include a bulbous bright-yellow bill and eye patch along with brilliant crimson crest and outer wings. The Ross's Turaco is a fruit-eating bird and in Kigali, has been spotted mainly in mature gardens containing trees that suit their dietary requirements. This spectacular species often duets with a series of musical growls.

Green-winged Pytilia

These plucky little characters are brightly coloured waxbills and very common residents of Kigali. They're usually found feeding on the ground in pairs or small groups. A sexually dimorphic species with males having a red face and breast band. Both sexes have a small red bill, olive green wings and a red tail. Green-winged Pytilia are a very vocal species, using a persistent series of chips, squeaks, and nasal notes.


A surprisingly common yet extraordinary water bird that has its own taxonomical family. Easily identified from any other bird by its unique shape which includes a long crest and flattened bill that give off a hammerhead appearance. These medium-sized dull-brown waders build enormous tree nests and have been known to share them with other species including Grey Kestrel and Egyptian Goose.  They are considered magical or birds of ill omen by the superstitious.

Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater

You could be forgiven for mistaking this species with its smaller cousin, the Little Bee-eater. While they do look very similar, the Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater is quite a lot larger. They belong to a family of easily identifiable birds with signature long curved bills and black eye masks. This species has dark green upper parts and deeper rufous-cinnamon below. Pairs and small groups are quite common in gardens, where they generally perch high up in tree canopies.

Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu

Another small and attractive garden bird and a member of the waxbill family. Their plumage is mostly brown and powder blue and they're often spotted feeding on the ground in pairs or small groups. Like Green-winged Pytilia, the males and females possess non-identical plumage, but the difference is slightly more subtle in this species. Males have a small red patch on the cheek that the females do not exhibit. Their contact call is an often-repeated high-pitched siii siii...

Pied Crow

Many people think of crows as boring birds and even pests. While they do have a tendency to go through your garbage and make a total mess of your outdoor spaces, the corvids are some of the most intellectual animals on the planet. Like just about any species with "pied" in its name, this crow has a boldly marked and distinctive black and white plumage. Their variable calls include both long and short caws in flight, but while perched may utter a deeper call.

Tawny-flanked Prinia

In terms of plumage, the Tawny-flanked Prinia is relatively inconspicuous but they are busy little birds! A small warbler which frequently cock and wave their long tails from side to side. Typically, they are pale-brown/grey but have a distinctive black eyeline and obvious pale supercilium (the plumage feature some birds have which is a stripe running from the base of its beak and runs above the eye). Very common garden bird and often seen in pairs.

Photo by servalpaul

Photo by servalpaul

Hadada Ibis

Ever been woken up in the early morning by an annoying and repetitive haa haa ha-aaa? This incredibly noisy bird is so named for its varying bugled and onomatopoeic calls. They are a stocky and predominately dark ibis with green/purple glossed wings and short legs. Pairs and flocks are common and widespread mainly around the suburbs, but it is not unusual to spot them perched in trees located close to the city centre.

Lesser-striped Swallow

Quite a large swallow and fairly common, this species is strongly marked and richly coloured with an extensive bright rufous cap and heavy black and white streaking on the underparts. Sexes are similar, but females tend to have shorter outer-tail streamers. Singing in flight is common, but they're most vocal when perched. These resourceful birds build bowl shaped mud nests on the undersides of suitable structures such as buildings, caves, and tree branches.

Pin-tailed Whydah

Beautiful little birds, but don't be fooled by their endearing nature! This species is a brood parasite, laying their eggs in the nests of a variety of waxbill species. Breeding males have a striking black and white plumage, a red bill and very long, narrow black tail. Non-breeding males are similar in appearance to females. They have a boldly patterned head but relatively bland colours on the lower body. This species is the commonest and most widespread of all whydahs in east Africa.

Brimstone Canary

A small finch with mostly greenish yellow and brown plumage. Easily confused with the Yellow-fronted Canary, but has a heavier pinkish horn bill. They also possess a far lighter malar (cheekbone) stripe than their canary cousins. The rump and mantle are both green with dark streaking. Pairs or singles are commonly spotted in city gardens and their songs vary from a fairly rapid high-pitched chirping, to sweeter, varied refrains.

Cardinal Woodpecker

Not necessarily the only woodpecker that inhabits Kigali, but certainly the most likely to be spotted. The Cardinal Woodpecker is one of the smaller species in the family and the most widespread across the eastern parts of the African continent. Males have a bright red cap whilst females sport a blackish-brown top to the head. Both sexes have lightly streaked sides to the face, well-streaked underparts, and spotted wings.

Cape Dove

The Cape (or Red-eyed) Dove is very similar in appearance to the Ring-necked Dove, but the latter is less prevalent in Kigali. Like the Ring-necked Dove, they possess a black half-collar on the hind of their necks. They have dark red eyes surrounded by a small diamond-shaped area of dull maroon skin. Their call is typically a very rhythmical oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo, which almost sounds like "I-am-red-eyed-dove!".

White-browed Robin-chat

A very boldly marked member of the thrush family with bright rufous orange below. The crown and sides of the face are entirely black with a long white supercilium. This species is the most widespread robin-chat in east Africa and is common across many areas of Rwanda. Their song is a simple refrain of three high notes, followed by two lower notes. One of those birds you're likely to spot anywhere in the city and now be able to say, "Oh look, there goes a White-browed Robin-chat!".

African Paradise Flycatcher

Stunning and highly variable, the African Paradise Flycatcher has two distinct colour morphs. A typical rufous male has a slightly crested black or blue-black head merging into grey underparts. The mantle, wings and tail are chestnut with very long central tail feathers. A typical white morph male's chestnut parts are replaced with white plumage. Adult females and immature birds don't possess the long tail feathers. This bird is fairly common in mature gardens.

Northern Fiscal (Common Fiscal)

The Northern Fiscal has been nicknamed "jackie hangman" and "butcher bird" for its rather gruesome eating habits. They use a kind of larder system where they impale their prey on acacia thorns to store for later consumption. Also known as the Fiscal Shrike, they are slim, narrow-tailed birds with white scapulars that form a very obvious "V" across the back. Sexes are very similar with black-and-white plumage, but the females have a small chestnut flank patch.

African Harrier-hawk (Gymnogene)

One of two raptors on the list, the African Harrier-hawk is a large, mostly grey bird with a relatively small slim head and bare yellow facial skin. In flight they have an easily recognisable single white bar across their broad black tail. Their underparts are densely barred black and white. These beautiful predatory birds can sometimes be spotted stealing young chicks from cavity nests using their long and flexible yellow legs.

Tropical Boubou

A black-and-white bird of the bush shrike family that sometimes displays a pinkish tinge on the lower breast extending toward the rump. They also exhibit long white wing stripes for easier identification. Like all boubous, this species is rather stocky and moves actively, but slowly. They are quite common in gardens and green spaces around Kigali. Pairs usually call a melodic wii-hoo wii-hoo duet, so perfectly timed as to sound like one bird.

African Pied Wagtail

Very common and widespread wagtail species that span across most of sub-Saharan Africa. Like all wagtails, they are slim and slender little birds that are often seen walking on the ground whilst constantly bobbing their long tails. As mentioned in the Pied Crow description, the name of the species indicates a black-and-white plumage. Sexes are alike with both having a broad black breast-band. They are also very tame and comfortable around human dwellings.

Dark-capped Bulbul

This species belongs to a group that are notoriously difficult to identify. However, the Dark-capped or "Common" Bulbul is one of east Africa's most widespread birds and is relatively easy to distinguish from its relatives. They are a slim brownish bird with an almost black head, pale belly and a bright yellow vent. Their heads are almost square in shape and their tails are ever so slightly forked. Often spotted in small groups feeding upon small fruits such as berries.

Bronze Sunbird

The second sunbird that made the list and probably the second most widespread of all 26 species in Rwanda. Far less colourful than the Variable Sunbird, this species is aptly named due to the males shiny bronze/green plumage around the head and upper breast. Like most species in this taxonomic family, the female is far more modestly coloured. They are one of the larger species in their family and have one of the loudest and most complex calls of all sunbirds.

Speckled Mousebird

Relatively inconspicuous with almost entirely light brown/grey plumage. They are most notable for their long tails and scruffy crest. Other distinguishing features include whitish cheeks and a blackish patch around the eye. Speckled Mousebirds feed mainly on leaves and shoots and can often be spotted roosting in groups where they'll buff up their feathers. They do this to allow more sunlight to hit their bodies which helps speed up the fermentation process.

Massive thanks to Melihat Veysal, Mihir Bhatt (Mihirmax Bhatt Photography), Obed Temba Tuyumvire, Paul Rushworth (servalpaul) ,and Shelly Anne Rosen of Intore Expeditions for contributing some of their amazing photos to this blog. If you're interested in birdlife in Rwanda, why not join the Facebook group Birding in Rwanda where you can find more fantastic images and updates!

Images without watermark or owner written in caption are Copyright © Leigh Woods 2017 with all rights reserved.